About Jersey NZ
Jersey NZ is a non-profit member organisation dedicated to making Jersey New Zealand’s number one breed. We work collaboratively to provide education, advice, and advocacy for all our members. Talk to us today to discover the benefits of the humble brown Jersey cow.
To see Jersey become New Zealand’s number one breed with the largest percentage of the national herd.
To promote and drive the growth of the jersey breed throughout New Zealand.
- Jersey cows are sustainable
- Inherent Jersey Quality
- Integrity is Paramount
- We Collaborate
The Jersey Benefit
The jersey cow out performs all breeds and cross-breeds on a per hectare basis.
- Jersey produce 13% more fat than other breeds per kg liveweight
- Jersey produce 9% more milksolids than other breeds
- Jerseys convert 18% more feed per kG liveweight
Reference; Analysis of Ruakura Trials 91/92/93
A2A2 Milk
In New Zealand, 66% of the Jersey cow population already
carries the A2A2 gene, compared to 44% for Holstein Friesian
and 53% for crossbreeds.
On the Ranking of Active Sires list (DairyNZ) as at March 2018,
11 of 14 Jersey bulls on the All Breeds list are A2A2, as are 21
of 30 bulls on the Jersey list.
Fonterra’s announcement that they have entered into a global
strategic relationship with the a2 Milk Company has seen
interest in A2 animals increase significantly as they look to
source A2 milk.
What is A2 milk?
A2 milk contains the A2 type of -casein protein rather than the
more prevalent A1 protein. Studies showing A2 has health
benefits have come out of countries supplying milk with
naturally high levels of A2. These claims include fewer
incidences of type-2 diabetes and heart disease compared to
nations with predominantly A1 milk supply. The cause and
effect of this has not been scientifically proven however
Liveweight comparison
On a per-kilo LWT basis, the sustainable Jersey cow outperforms all other breeds and Cross-Breeds in kgs milk fat, protein and milk solids.
The Jersey outperforms all others in terms of a higher Kg Milk Solids/kg LWT. It is also common to see around the country that the Jersey cow will consistently produce more Milk Solids than her live weight…a machine at her best!
Jerseys have great fertility
On average, Jerseys have the highest fertility breeding value. Fertility breeding values (% calving within 42 days of the start of calving) are calculated from information derived from herd recording software such as MINDA and MISTRO, herd testing and Traits Other Than Production (TOP) assessments. Eight individual predictor traits are currently used to estimate the fertility breeding value:
- Presented for mating within 21 days of the planned start of mating (PM21) in lactation 1, 2 and 3
- Calving rate in the first 42 days after the planned start of calving (CR42) in lactation 1, 2 and 3
- Volume in a cows’ first lactation
- Body condition score (BCS) in a cows’ first lactation at 60 days in milk.
Jerseys are the breed for OAD systems
Better udder conformation and higher milksolid percentages make Jerseys more adaptable to the shift from twice a day to once a day milking according to the findings of Project Dairy 1 at Massey University, Manawatu.
- The level of milk production drop for Jerseys going onto OAD is always less, with up to 9% less decline for Jersey than Holsteing-Friesian.
- Kg MS/kg LWt is significantly higher for Jersey, with a 13% advantage over Holstein-Friesian and a 6% advantage over Jersey Friesian cross.
- Jersey in OAD herds are less likely to be culled due to udder breakdown, therefore fewer replacements are needed, creating a sustainable.
Fat is back.
Five years ago, milk fat was worth one third of milk protein value. Now a kilo of fat will be earning suppliers significantly more than a kilo of protein. Fat is back.
Some farmers will benefit more than others depending on how far their herds milk constituents vary from the company average in terms of P:F ratio and milk solids percentage. The concentrated, low P:F ratio milk is typical of that produced by Jerseys. Jersey farmers will benefit the most.
The Sustainable Breed
Jersey is the most sustainable of the common dairy breeds. Jerseys produce more profit (approximately 8%) than Holstein Friesians when stocked to optimal stocking rates. Jerseys are kinder on the environment at the cow, whole farm and industry level.